The History of French Press
The History of French Press
Let's look at the brewing gadget, which is perhaps one of the most prevalent and commonly used in family households. Most of us do have it at home or somebody we know. The brewing technique is not obscure to us, but do we know who contrived it? And why is it known as French Press? You will find here everything about this immersion method from its origins to the modern ways of French-pressing.
The origins of brewing coffee date back to 1852, two Frenchmen Mayer and Delforge crafted the first design a very initial version - patented then. It didn't create a seal inside the carafe so it wasn't like the one you know today, essentially. In 1929 the Italians Attilio Calimani and Giulio Moneta invented the first patent of a French press which is similar to what we use today.
A quick glance at the patents issued in the United States would inform us that a patent has been applied for in several modifications to the original braking system. All were of a similar concept, allowing some further improvements to the French Press basic design. What is probably the most famous style was invented by the Swiss guy Faliero Bondanini in 1958.
This brewer was well known in France, where it developed, as a ‘Chambord’. The success of the Chambord in France is what also brought the cafetiére its French name. Bondanini later commercialized the Chambord to the UK market as 'La Cafetiére Classic.' The well-known Danish company Bodum later became a Chambord manufacturer in Denmark and finally acquired the rights to label and factory Chambord. The trademark 'La Cafetiére' remained in the original owners' hands. Recent legal disputes saw Bodum and 'La Cafetiére' battle it out for market control outside Europe.
Is the French Press an irresistible coffee brewer?
Does a French Press have its place to a specialty coffee aficionado 's shelves, remembered on the family breakfast table?
Imagine the French Press as an entry point to brewing coffee. People who may not even be in specialty coffee are easy to use and learn about. Yet, if certain steps are taken, such as the originality of the beans and their granulating just before brewing, or the temperature of the water, it can produce tasty brews.
French Press Expectations
The French press is a brewing device with a metal mesh filter for full immersions. In particular, this ensures one aspect, a viscid brew with a fuller body and improved texture due to more oils remaining in the final brew and therefore fewer coffee particles. For those who don't like coffee grit or a sandy mouth feeling, I'll give a fair warning, the cafetiére is probably not for you. The ability to monitor all the variables in a cafetiere such as water temperature, grinding and brewing time helps to customise the brewing methods according to personal preference. Most importantly you should expect to enjoy the more subtle aroma and flavours of each coffee you brew, if you do it properly.
Modern Innovators
Café JEI, a Bangalore based corporation, introduced a reinvented version of the French Press. They had a fine double filter installed and made the pot out of stainless steel. Thanks to that, the resulting drink is sediment-free, thus providing a clean, yet full-bodied, rich cup of coffee. Many coffee practitioners cite the Espro Press as THE French Press to use if you want to produce a smooth brew with this process.
Pretty much no one is fond of cleaning the French Press after it's used — a mash full of coffee grounds and the pot's bottom full of coffee 'mud'. You need to rinse the vessel with water and rinse it in the sink or sieve it with an extra sieve to avoid clocking the sink, to clean the regular French Press. And that is why Café JEI are interesting and unique. When you immerse it, the coffee is pressed into a separate chamber, the coffee grounds are pushed into the vessel's lower chamber. This part is 'screwed to' the vessel so that the coffee grounds in it can be detached, unload into a bin, rinsed and screwed back on. Quite clever, aren't they?
We do and we love to have a large coffee pot ready on our breakfast table, brewed at a minute notice, to share with several people. There is no other manual brewing process that helps you to become so easily caffeinated. Try to tell us about your favourite brand of French Press. We 'd love to hear on it!
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