Best Time to Drink Coffee
Best Time to Drink Coffee
Visualize it’s Monday start of the week. You wake to the sound of your alarm that you probably hate the most. And start imagining yourself in different scenarios that will happen at your workplace and the response that you will be giving. Most scenarios end up in telling the most annoying colleague to stop blabbering all the time or stand up to your BOSS once and for all and ask for the raise in your salary or about the paid holidays you have been thinking for years.
By gathering all the leftover courage and motivating yourself enough to go through this week, finally you get up from your bed. You’re now ready to change the course of the things. You dressed aptly and reach your office by daily commute. After arriving at office and sitting in your cabin, you put down your things, turn on the ugly computer, and fix yourself a French press coffee.
That’s the time you realize that there is nothing better in this world having your favorite cup of joe. Sitting on your comfortable chair and now you are coming to your senses all because of the classy and irresistible French press coffee. Incredible isn’t? So, this is my story at the start of every week.
But how much should we drink the coffee and at what times? Will it affect my health and change my sleeping routine? Should I drink it before or after bed? Should I have it in breakfast, at brunch or in dinner? This article is all about answering these questions and clarifying your coffee related concerns.
The Benefits & Drawbacks
There are many reasons why we enjoy coffee. It's a way to jolt our brains when we're sleepy, love the flavor and it's a perfect opportunity to socialize and network with friends.
Coffee has many advantages for our bodies too. Research has shown it reduces our risk of developing type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. It also antioxidants and vitamins in the form of antioxidants and vitamins. Your mood and brain activity get a good boost despite the high levels of caffeine.
Yet coffee has its inconveniences too. After getting down more than a couple of cups a day on a daily basis, you begin to build immunity to what's inside your drink. In other words, to get the same benefits, you need to drink more and more, like boosting your brain and your mood.
And how about that feeling when you have absolutely no coffee? You know what it is about when you've experienced it: headaches, agitations, irritability.
Although caffeine makes you feel focused, it hurts your sleep, too. We always hear about why drinking coffee late in the day is bad, and how we need to stop at some point in time. But exactly what time is deemed "too late"?
Does Coffee Affect Your Sleep?
A research at the Sleep Disorders & Research Center at Henry Ford Hospital and Wayne State College of Medicine was done to examine the influence of caffeine on sleep due to the time of day.
After monitoring the sleep levels of the participants, here is what they have gathered:
About 0, 3, and 6 hours before bedtime, caffeine greatly disturbed sleep. Sleep amounts were disturbed by over an hour after 6 hours before bedtime when caffeine was consumed.
When caffeine was consumed all day long the sleep level decreased. Participants expended a large amount of waking time while they should have slept, and though caffeine was last ingested 6 hours in advance.
If you're reading this and saying, "Coffee can affect men, but not me," then here's some more news: our understanding of how caffeine affects our bodies isn't a clear reflection of how it affects our sleep.
In essence, even if you don't feel the effects of caffeine, it still worsens the quality of your sleep. You just don't get why.
It is a fascinating lesson on how we cannot rely entirely on our beliefs to decide how our bodies are influenced by a substance. Even if you are feeling fine physically, your body begins to differ.
Having your Coffee in Best Way Possible
All that sounds pretty doomy and gloomy.
You can still enjoy your coffee, but not to worry. The trick is not to skip coffee if that's what you're drinking but to control the way you 're drinking it.
Here are some ways:
Limit up to four cups of your coffee a day. Studies at the Mayo Clinic suggests that there will be no more than 400 mg of caffeine in a day for adults, which is equal to the amount of four cups. Naturally it is preferable to have fewer cups of coffee. If you feel the urge to drink coffee, opt for a cup of tea or decaffeinated.
Time-Out Period
Set a time-out for 12 pm. This takes some time to wash off caffeine, even though you don't feel this. Switch the caffeine to the early hours of the day for optimal sleep.
Drink coffee using smaller cups. We 're tempted to fill it up completely when we use a cup, bowl, or plate, because that makes the most sense. That means that bigger cups are more likely to get more coffee filled in. So, if you want to feel like having your coffee share, use a smaller cup and fill it up.
To Be More Productive Have A Good Night Sleep
Coffee is famous for many good reasons. There's nothing more rewarding than the initial taste, when the spice sinks and the steam rises to calm you.
But we cannot ignore the value of having a good night too. The good thing is you might have them.
How? By drinking earlier in the day, and being aware of how much you are drinking. It is up to you personally to make sure that you are fruitful, vigorous and happy.